Friday, March 21, 2008

A Short Reflection

Recently, there were a lot of thoughts that were bouncing inside my head and had thought of sharing it here. Most of them, however, were products of negative feelings that haunted me for sometime. Since the entire Christian community is observing the Lent, I think it is much better to reflect on the positive side of life.

Last year was really a fantastic year for me. Not because of the absence of problem, but because the difficulties I experienced have turned out to be magnificent blessings.

I am very thankful because I've met Mrs. Romela Rubio in the midst of my confusion. She is a psychologist who showered me with a lot of life’s lessons for three consecutive weeks. Now, I consider her as an inspiration; a drive when life seems tough and hopeless. Next, I happened to recognize a great Catholic forum in the internet which is Then I started attending the Kerygma Feast every Sunday in Valle Verde Country Club, Ortigas – the church where a lot of positive changes start to happen. In fact, my friends have tremendously multiplied in less than a year (My YM and Friendster accounts are my official evidence to this. Hehe!) Oh, wonderful! Third, I found a job which is almost exactly as I have written in my Novena to God’s Love. The five working days requirement has given me the opportunity to savor a balanced life and the company being situated in Quezon City is very favorable for me.

Should I call these things miracles?

No. These are simply God’s eternal love for me. And there are absolutely more blessings to add in the list.

5 Speak:

HappySurfer said...

Hi Rej! Keep up the positive attitude. You'll do great.

HappySurfer said...

Hey Rej, good of you for dropping by and leaving a comment. I appreciate that very much. Thanks!

So, how are you? Hope you are doing just fine. Not updating this blog? You must have lots to share. Hope to be reading about what you've been up to soon. Take care, eh.

Rej said...

Though I have a lot of things to share here I don't have much time to write... but I will.

Everything is fine. Hope you're doing good too. Also, thanks for the frequent visit. At least I got one friend here. Thanks.

HappySurfer said...

Hi Rej, it's good that you are keeping busy. That's a good sign. Take care, ya?

HappySurfer said...

Just dropping in to say "Hi!". Hope you are doing well.

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